Monday 23 May 2011


Yesterday driving back to London from Devon, I listened to Andrew Marr’s interview of President Barak Obama. It was a joy to listen to a United States President who was able to speak with such clarity. No president since John Kennedy (in my view) has been able to project such clear thinking and intelligence, without the trace of folksy bonhomie that usually accompanies such public relations exercises. On should not forget that the interview was a prelude to the President’s visit to the United Kingdom and Ireland. Not that it was totally without substance. One may or may not agree with the Presidents approach to the killing of Bin Laden, but he stated his reasons clearly and with confidence. His posture was that of a man in control of the situation, as would be expected of a person in his position. He was equally clear about his view and policy related to the problems of Israel, Palestine and the Middle East in general. In short he presented the articulate and intelligent American, fully conscious of the image he projects abroad. Not a gun toting southern cowboy, or hail fellow well met, dripping strategic condescension, but a thoughtful, confident without arrogance, representative of the American public. He does not pretend to have all the answers but gives a strong indication of the direction that should be taken to find solutions to seemingly insoluble problems. He satisfies the cowboy element with a clear statement that he is not averse to using the gun when he thinks it advisable to do so, to uphold his particular brief to protect the lives of American citizens. Some may disagree with the extent of that brief and its application throughout the world, but at least with this President it is pretty clear where he stands. He claims to be always open to dialogue. Hearing him speak, it is not surprising as he uses it so well. It is that image of the intelligent American, rather than the ugly and brash American, his fellow citizens should most appreciate and be thankful for. There is no question, in my mind, that it is more difficult to hate, or incite hatred towards, a thinking conciliatory disarming individual, than a stubborn intransigent do it my way character. Tough talk, rough talk smooth talk or smart talk, he is open to talk. Americans do not appear to have any idea how much that short 27 minutes of just talk, with Andrew Marr, can affect the rest of the world. They really should take note.

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