Friday 29 January 2021


Since the inauguration of Mr Biden and Ms Harris I keep seeing and hearing analyses of the current political drama “We need to talk about Donald”. He has effectively massacred the foundations of democracy in America. His America First and MAGA rhetoric has given voice to extremists and allowed them to come out of the landscape with impunity. That the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert have actually been elected to sit in the Congress of the United States is a sign that the cracks are beginning to appear. If not repaired, it may lead to massive subsidence.

I realise that there are issues around freedom of expression, but we also have the vital importance of the rule of law and the duty of care in support of democracy. They are the real foundation and pillars of democracy. Without them, there would be no freedom of speech nor, indeed, any freedom at all.  In any government or regulatory body, differences of opinion are expected and even healthy, as they can lead to consensus and compromise necessary to a progressive civilised society. When opinion moves beyond judgement to implacable certainty, things begin to go awry. If the desire to have one’s view accepted by all, to pursue the gratification of one’s own ego to such a degree, is to be the norm, then we have a serious problem.

There is a massive and extreme opinion that American’s are entitled to do whatever they want so long as you believe in brute force, mental or physical, and openly carry a firearm. So long as you fervently believe you are entitled to do whatever you like, wherever you like, and do not care about anyone else, your OK.  “Dont tread on me” is back with a vengeance. It was doubtful patriotism back in 1776 and can be just as poisonous as it ever was. It was fine for raising a revolution to redress colonial grievances, to promote the forming of a militia, but it is seriously out of date. It was a time when unity was of great importance.  Benjamin Franklin’s own flag ‘Join, or Die’ was yet more propaganda to bring the colonies together.

That was then, this is now. The don’t tread on me crowd are themselves treading all over the constitution and the rule of law. They do not want a country, they want just guns and no government, or none that will prevent them from treading all over everyone else with a differing opinion. They couldn’t spell “Don’t” then, and probably can’t spell anything now. 


What I am getting at, it is imperative that the Law Makers of America act now, with effective re-imposition of the rule of law. They must see through the impeachment process and, if not that, there is, in my view, ample evidence to support a criminal prosecution for reckless endangerment of the entire nation. It is not enough to sit and analyse why Mr Trump and his supporters do what they do. Unfortunately, it is time to impose civilisation on the renegades and try to make them understand the true intentions of the Constitution. The only way to do that is to crack down with the law. They might just get the point. Real freedom is not about Don’t Tread on Trump and his loyal fans, real freedom is freedom from the likes of Trump. Prevent him from holding public office ever again. It is your duty of care to the nation, to the whole world. 

One only has to look at Mr Navalny’s plight. Putin and Trump are one and the same. The Russian people have allowed Putin to be the egocentric leader that he is. The American people should not allow that to happen in their country. The Senate must do what is right. Write, phone email do whatever it takes to let your Senators know what you know is the right thing to do.


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