Tuesday 21 December 2021


Last year, on the 9th December 2020, I posted a blog entitled The Suicide of American Democracy. It dealt with the rule of law and the problems of Incitement to Riot being perpetrated by Donald Trump and his acolytes. I suggested that the failure to enforce the rule of law at the time was tantamount to allowing mob rule, and indeed just one month later the mob invasion of the Capitol took place. Moving on from January 2021, we now have another point of view from Professor Barbara Walter of the University of California San Diego.


The professor was interviewed on CNN on the 20th December and had a few words to say about the subject. America, according to current CIA research, is now an anocracy. This can be defined as a political system which is neither fully democratic nor fully autocratic, often being vulnerable to political instability. During the course of the short interview it emerged from her that the United States is closer to civil war than one might think. America ceased being a democracy since January 2021 after five years of breakdown resulting from the Trump Presidency. The research leading her to this conclusion was conducted under the auspices of America’s own Central Intelligence Agency. 


The effects and consequences of such a conflict are too horrible to contemplate, not only for the United States, but the rest of the world as well. For now, the bubbling caldron that appears to be American politics, simmers on. We can only wait and hope that somehow the flame will be turned off and the contents allowed to cool down, for better consumption.


As to the current fiasco that is the United Kingdom, I leave you with this literary review from David Osland (author and journalist) about Lord of the Flies, the debut novel of Nobel Prize winning author William Golding, published in 1954:

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