Monday 7 November 2022


The anxiety levels do not abate. The build-up, results and effects of the midterm elections in the United States and the continuing entropy of the current government of the United Kingdom have much in common. The political and economic divisions within these two countries are not far off bringing about a serious deterioration in public order. Matters of time and tide spring to mind. Taking action at the flood, seizing the opportunity at the right moment to bring things together, appears to be as elusive as ever.


In the United States, since the November election of 2020 there has been a vicious and consistent poisonous bile emanating from a pustule in the brain of Donald Trump which has caused untold damage in the psyche of millions of American citizens, blocking out any intelligent or rational thought. This venom is well exposed in a PBS documentary entitled Lies. Politics and Democracy produced, written (with Mike Wiser) and directed by Michael Kirk as part of the series Frontline on PBS. I do not know what sort of audience it has had in the United States, but it should have been required viewing across the nation.


The savagery of some Republican politicians was also depicted on the BBC.  In a section on Newsnight, during an interview with the Republican candidate for Governor, Kari Lake, her response to simple questions by a BBC reporter “If you think you can come over here and tell us how to run our elections, you’ve got another thing coming”.  There are a number of interviews on You Tube with this woman, detailing her unbelievable refusal to hear any facts which conflict with her false assertions and beliefs. Her responses to questions are a complete denial of reality. She makes claims that are entirely without foundation. What she chooses to believe is her entire persona, and it is without any substance.  She is in effect an empty vessel, yet appears to be the preferred candidate.  


I still do not understand how any woman in America, after hearing Donald Trump’s comments about pussy grabbing and other ‘locker room’ comment, can have anything to do with him. He is a narcissistic condescending psychopath. What is there to admire?


Equally, I continue to not understand why he is still at large and has not been brought before a court of law. His continued assault on the principles of democracy and the constitution of the United States over the last two years is beyond any reasonable person’s patience. Why is he still flourishing? Why does it appear to many of us, watching from abroad, that the American Public is the most narrow minded, ignorant, stupid, and violence prone citizenry on the planet.


There are citizens, some of whom appear in the PBS documentary mentioned above, who decry some of what is going on in the United States, but, for some reason they appear to be in a minority; hence; the anxiety and dread that I feel. I hope I am wrong.


As to the choices and judgement of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak vis a vis the United Kingdom, the chaos continues to mount. The attempt by the present conservative cabinet to lay blame on previous conservative cabinets, and claiming to be able to fix things, is schizophrenic in the extreme. The current cabinet were, in the main, part of the previous three cabinets.  It’s a bit like “The Three Faces of Eve” - déjà vu, all over again (to quote Yogi Berra). The British (English in particular) have always been viewed, by the rest of the world, as eccentric and perhaps a little mad; but, to what extent our current leaders fit into this mould is a matter of speculation as they are a diverse group of people. That they are so diverse is a good thing, but the unfortunate part is that their overall thinking is seriously flawed, as they have no real idea of how to go about dealing with the present problems facing the United Kingdom. I say this as they show little evidence of providing solutions for the problems their previous incarnations have created in the NHS, Education, police departments, public transport and any number of other areas where Central Government have an interest.


What should be happening in the UK is a general election. Mr Sunak would like very much to present a budget on the 17th November that he believes will provide a safe platform on which to keep his government alive till at least 2024 or January 2025. He is hoping that the pressure to call an election will be removed and the opposition parties will give his economic strategy, if he really has one, a chance to take hold and bring about some sort of renaissance which could mean a lift in the polls. This would give him the confidence to call an election. He is relying on some sort of momentum from the 17th of this month to propel him to success. His problems will not be resolved unless he can secure serious improvements in the performance of the NHS, a clear progression with the teachers and transport unions, as well as the civil service. Serious progress on making affordable homes available is also necessary.  The price of groceries matters as well, as just keeping a hold on energy bills is a one trick pony and nowhere near enough.


The 17th November is a day to be reckoned with. The firm of Sunak & Hunt may fall very short of the mark. On verra.


But for now we wait to see what choices the citizens of the United States have made to somehow bring their government representatives back together, or split them apart even further. I suspect accusations and recriminations will abound.  The country will either descend into a form of anarchy, should the Democrats hold and gain seats, or a complete disintegration of democratic freedom and eventual dictatorship of the right, should the evangelical republicans gain ascendence. We could be seeing the fascist state being reborn in the western hemisphere, with an arsenal of nuclear weapons at its disposal, just as in the current Russia of Vladimir Putin. What price or chance climate change then? Good luck America.

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