Thursday 13 April 2023


disarray American Heritage® Dictionary



1. A state of disorder; confusion.

2. Disorderly dress.

tr.v. dis·ar·rayed, dis·ar·ray·ing, dis·ar·rays

1. To throw into confusion; upset.

2. To undress.

disarray Collins English Dictionary



1. confusion, dismay, and lack of discipline

2. (Clothing & Fashion) (esp of clothing) disorderliness; untidiness

vb (tr)

3. to throw into confusion

4. (Clothing & Fashion) archaic to undress

My current state of being. It is a condition that has been brought about by the view I have of the world outside my front door. It gives me pause to even contemplate going through it.  My opinion on a number of matters is similar to that of many others I have read and heard in newspapers and over the world wide web. The fact that so many people of note and, supposed, influence, who have gained access to equally noteworthy and influential media outlets, have expressed similar opinions about the state of the world and yet the situation is still in disarray and deteriorating, has thrown me into confusion. Hence I pause before setting foot outside. 

The Ukraine is ploddingly becoming a graveyard of ash and rubble. The far east has the appearance of a swarm of stinging insects flying menacingly around a potential nesting site in the seas of east and south China and the Philippines. The middle east is a cauldron overflowing with fundamentalist religious zealots of all kinds, oozing with misogyny and homophobia, all allegedly worshipping the same God, and totally incapable of adhering to his/her teachings. The misogyny and homophobia on the African continent are equally horrific and deadly.  The Junta of Myanmar continues its violent oppression. Western Europe and the Americas are in the throes of such divisive political leadership as to appear completely stagnant and incapable of reasserting the stability it once held over world affairs.  The world is in disarray.

The rich and powerful western nations are so self absorbed at present that any international accord appears held together by a single fraying thread. The United Kingdom has a government on its last legs eking out last-minute repressive legislation and, having turned inward due to Brexit, is dismantling the progressive democratic state it took so long to create. Its essential health, safety and economic services are at their lowest ebb.

The United States has a well-meaning man at its helm, but he is really past his sell-by date. The alternatives in the running are budding fascists, prepared to destroy any concept of liberal education and free thought (banning and burning books/assaults on libraries) and a criminal, clinically psychotic, narcissist of the worst kind. The French President is seen as some Frenchified Margaret Thatcher in the making, potentially making way for a thoroughly far right successor in Le Pen. 

Speaking of the far right there is an interesting video essay on MSNBC by Mehdi Hasan which is an interesting view concerning Marjorie Taylor Greene::

These are not healthy or happy thoughts. Is it any wonder I am in disarray? I read, listen to and watch various columnists in print and on line, in the Guardian, some articles in the Economist, a few in the LA Times, CNN, CBS, MSNBC, Puck (Julia Ioffe), the Young Turks and a number of other YouTube pundits such as Wisecrack, Brian Tyler Cohen, etc. All these outlets give one the feeling that there are sufficient numbers of like-minded individuals who, when it comes to the ballot box, will elect representatives who are committed to public service.

When I say like-minded I do not mean people expressing the same views and supporting the same political parties. I do mean people who have a genuine interest in a democratic process, a profound respect for the rule of law and concern for the welfare of their fellow citizens. Public service can take many forms and the provision of services by the state is the subject of much debate and has a multiplicity of solutions. There are some who firmly believe that the private sector offers the better and more efficient method of providing those services as opposed to those who believe the state should take the full responsibility in providing the essential services. Some would argue that it is a combination of both. However those services are provided, it is important that those representatives elected to government have a genuine and committed belief to assist and ensure that their constituents, of whatever political persuasion, get the best out of the services provided.  Too many would-be representatives appear to be in it for the show or out of some ambition to obtain fame or power. That has nothing to do with pubic service but everything to do with lip service.

Public service is not easy. Being a constituency representative is not easy. The state has a multiplicity of tasks to juggle as well as providing for the general welfare of the population. In order to accomplish this it raises funds through an agreed procedure, legislated into law. Various departments are created to administer and coordinate the necessary tasks required to maintain the state. Each department is allocated a budget. Heads of department, as chosen by the leadership, then seek to put the various party policies into action. It is then that the overall character of the government makes itself known to the citizen, as well as the effectiveness and efficiency of the particular head of department. In many countries it’s not going so well at the moment. The United Kingdom is a shambles. Its ministers are out of touch and are allowed to pursue whatever fantasy comes to mind. Thirteen years of faff and disarray, surely must be enough.

As to the United States the rumblings of extremists grow in intensity and what was once a population that believed in and adhered to a concept of liberty and justice for all, we see those same words twisted in order to curtail freedom and justice from those with whom they disagree.

One of the effects of that is a group called “Moms for Liberty”. A group created in Florida,  supposedly, to support parental rights in schools. It is in fact a group dedicated to censoring education and creating a hostile and dangerous environment contrary to the safety of their children because of some bizarre notions about vaccinations. They are against COVID-19 restrictions in schools, including mask and vaccine mandates. In addition they are also against school curriculums that mention LGBT rights, race, critical race theory, and discrimination, and multiple chapters have also campaigned to ban books that deal with gender and sexuality issues from school libraries. Just what sort of liberty are they promoting? This is part of Ron DeSantis’s Florida constituency.

Unless the voices, I see and hear on the mixed media I have mentioned above, are part of the majority of American voters, then the total collapse of the United States into isolated extremist fundamentalism is assured. For Lauren Boebert and Marjory Taylor Greene to be so frequently given media attention is allowing them to reach as many potential voters as possible way beyond their own particular constituencies. Given the numbers of Maga fanatics who love to hear this nonsense, all this free air time seems excessive, particularly given the susceptibility the American public has to advertising. It is what gives Trump and his ‘base’ their edge.

Many people are upset with the MTG interview conducted by journalist Leslie Stahl on ’60 Minutes’, a prominent programme on American Television. Critics felt Ms Stahl did not push back enough on the more outlandish remarks made by Ms Greene. American news networks are in disarray over the issue.

All of this disarray just heightens my sense of unease. There will be general elections in the UK and in the United States in 2024. I shudder to think what might happen should the conservative parties in both countries be elected. It will be far more extreme in the US but the UK will not be far behind. Talk of disarray.

1 comment:

  1. ‘The World is too much with us. Getting and spending we lay waste our powers’ Wordsworth wrote that over 200 years ago. We seem to have learned nothing since. We continue to deal with the devil of getting and spending rather than facing the consequences if capitalism and greed.
