Wednesday 14 February 2024


The current political landscape is not one that can be appreciated in the same fashion as a pictorial landscape. It has nothing like the vision of a Van Gogh, Constable or Turner.  The present American landscape is particularly at odds with the beauty to be found in its actual landscapes. I am thinking of the paintings from the Hudson River School. The work of its founder Thomas Cole and later members Frederick Church, John Frederick Kensett and Albert Bierstadt are rather fine examples of  mid nineteenth century landscape paintings.

There is something about Bierstadt’s work that favours Turner.   

Rocky Mountain Landscape, 1870
Lake Tahoe, 1868

He was also a war artist, the Tim Page of his day.

Guerilla Warfare, Civil War, 1862
So where can one go from here? The seemingly endless exposition of Trump’s background and narcissistic behaviour has no effect  whatever on his Maga supporters. They have no truck with the written, photographic, filmed and other recorded evidence that shows him up to be a complete sham. He is the personification of the snake oil salesman that has been tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail since the pioneering days of the American landscape. Numerous writers and historians have depicted his kind for centuries and still they emerge to bamboozle the surprisingly vast numbers of ignorant and gullible citizens, who for some obscure reason are drawn to them. They think of Trump as ‘one of us’ despite every indication to the contrary. He speaks in their vernacular all the while proclaiming to be so rich that he is immune from corruption, as well as mendaciously claiming to be a self-made man. As to being self-made, one has to accept that he has constructed this dangerous duplicitous figure, himself, all on his own. He is indeed a self-made charlatan of the first order, despite all his advantages at birth. He has bribed, bullied and cheated himself into the spotlight and into the American landscape.

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