Thursday 17 October 2024


In the final days of the campaigns for the Presidency of the United States of America it is more than apparent that the country has serious divisions that could conceivably bring about its decline as a united nation. Any rational mature individual listening to and observing Mr Trump must surely conclude that he is an obsessive narcissist who thrives of the flattery and ridiculous support he is given by the sad and poorly educated Maga herd, but more importantly by a grouping of individuals claiming allegiance to what was once the Republican Party. The congress persons, senators, state governors and political pundits who make excuses for his more outrageous statements by reinterpreting what he says, and does, in order to reenforce the herd’s belief in Trumps infallibility. His incomprehensible speeches are sanitised and made palatable for the lower orders. He now believes that all he has to do is stand and sway to his musical chart whilst waving and smiling benignly to his worshipers. Another Elmer Gantry for the American Public to blindly follow to destruction. Whether or not, like Gantry, some event will occur to lift the veil over his deceit and deception, and open their eyes, is questionable.


That so many citizens are willing to follow and excuse his persistent atrocious and despicable behaviour is uncanny. He opens his mouth only to spew insult, hatred and division. He offers his followers nothing, save a concocted image of a glowing economy, rid of alien intruders, in splendid isolation from the rest of the world. He claims to be the saviour of America. Just how he has managed this idolatry is difficult to understand, but perhaps the fact that so many Americans over the years have been more that keen to ally themselves to charlatans and evangelical imposters is symptomatic of the nation. More than one author, besides Sinclair Lewis, has written about and portrayed such characters. The history of the United States is full of depictions of the general public clinging to such corrupt individuals until somehow they are unmasked and debunked. There are books, films and plays galore rendering version after version of the same story, and yet the phenomenon keeps occurring. Is there no learning at all? Must the crass stupidity keep repeating itself?


In contrast, his opposition, in the shape of Kamala Harris, must somehow gather together enough people to prevent this descent into idolatry. She has to come down from the mountain brandishing the tablets on which are written the words of reason. Unfortunately for her there is no burning bush to advise. It is no mean feat that she has come as far as she has in such a short time. If all she had to deal with was Trump alone, she would be a walk in; however, the cult members are so devoted and plentiful the task is made far more difficult. Opening the eyes of the cult members is seemingly impossible, even for those members of the Republican party who have seen through and decried the evil idolatry and insanity of Trump.


Frankly attempting to debate and sway the fanatically addicted right wing media is a waste of time. Just to be able to stand up to mendacious attacks on so called immigration policy is of no consequence where minds are already made up.


Indeed, there is a channel 4 Documentary about Trump and his behaviour over the 2020 presidential election. It makes quite clear the criminal activity and duplicity of Trump’s attempt to cling to power. It is full of testimony of the many individuals who had to stand up to Trumps assault on truth, integrity and the rule of law. Most of these witnesses are Republican party representatives who supported him to the full in 2016 and during his term of office. They have spoken out seemingly to no avail about the perfidious character of Donald Trump.  Why is that? I can understand the poorly educated Maga blobs not taking that into account, but elected Republican Party representatives in political office not to acknowledge this evidence and other findings of guilt against Mr Trump is bewildering.

So what happens to the United States, if this mega monster is re-elected as president, is a complete acceptance that gangsterism is now the fundamental political system and modus operandi of the United States of America. 


I do not know if Kamala Harris will manage to obtain the sufficient number of electors to gain office. I sincerely hope she does. It must be an almost impossible pressure to find oneself as a sole candidate to ensure the continued existence of a  “nation, under God, that shall have a new birth of freedomand that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

1 comment:

  1. We are at a crossroads that we did not anticipate in previous years. Having met Trump at a groundbreaking in Florida about 15 years ago where I sized him up as a self absorbed asshole in the first 10 seconds, I am still scratching my head in disbelief that he actually became president once. Twice would be beyond ridiculous.
