Thursday 1 January 2015


Time to begin again. I have left the blog fallow for a year. It has been slack, idle, dormant, inert, quiescent, unseeded, untilled and uncultivated.  And yet – and yet there has been a continuing readership of various entries. I am not sure if this means that the ground upon which the blog rests is still fertile and capable of resurrection. To date, the most popular are:
31 Mar 2011

13 Jan 2012

12 Aug 2013, 2 comments

Difficult to know what to make of these statistics since the most viewed is merely a picture logo for the CIA. The question ‘Do You Have Clearance?’ seems to be the attraction. The second most viewed is a piece on Friday the 13th, followed by a short comment on visual perception. Is it that security, superstition and how the eye perceives images are somehow linked together?

The result is that it is impossible to form a view as to the effectiveness of the written blog. Has the writing performed? Has there been any indication that performance objectives have been realised or that there are any performance objectives at all.

It would have been nice to have some feedback from casual readers who may have chanced upon an entry and actually paused to read the contents. Comments from friends, whilst always sought for and welcome, are not quite the same as those from the unknown reader. There is something about the harshness, as well as the kindness, of strangers that inspires confidence in what one is attempting.

So, it is time to begin again and see whether 2015 will bring about more effective performance objectives sufficient to inspire ‘comment from people on the platform’.

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