Thursday 28 October 2021


This is just a shot note to test out whether BT have fixed and email sending problem they have been working on for some time.


I am currently suffering from an unfortunate case of lower back pain. One of my friends is suffering from multiple problems relating to dialysis and possible mini stroke. Another has recently had a throat cancer. We are all approaching four score years.  As far as I know, none of us is suffering from any serious mental deficiency, and so the various physical ailments that seem to greet one with such relish, as one approaches what is referred to as old age, are to be taken in our stride. Of course one complains about the physical pain, and as one moves about, clutching various bannisters or convenient furniture, one is doing, what Celia describes as, a lot of very over the top bad acting of a person in distress. It causes no end of mirth.


Of course, while the pain persists and seems to move from one body part to another, and one probes around feeling various lumps or swellings under the skin, one imagines all sorts of diagnoses. Hot water bottles and various creams are applied, effervescent pain killers are imbibed, all producing miniscule periods of respite. It is a matter of adopting the right posture or position which is the least painful. One is advised to keep moving as well, and if sitting, to sit in a proper chair. 


In addition to the back, there is the tinnitus. I have been sent a letter from Guys and St Thomas’s Audiology Department, with information on how best to deal with the complaint. Avoid stress, get a good night’s sleep, and no screen time at least two hours before going to bed. For someone who has the amount of screen time that I have, this is virtually impossible. For the addict to be deprived of screen time would actually cause stress, thus defeating the whole concept of relaxation as a palliative.  I was also advised to read the leaflet more than once in order to fully appreciate the various ways in which one can at least ameliorate the condition. So more bad movement acting is the order of the day.


Does it help to discuss these matters, to bring then out into the open, to let them float out into the aether assuming that some miraculous bit of information might waft back along the tide.

I wait and see.



1 comment:

  1. I had no idea I was guilty of very over the top bad acting until now. As I clutch dramatically at the bannister while going down the stairs....thank you Celia, you always know how to put things succinctly. And thank for the giggle.
