Wednesday 18 May 2022


On the matter of Liz Truss, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, she has joined the TFP Club in the space of a year, very much in the manner of Senators Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham in the United States. She has continued to become entrenched in a position that she once, and for many years, was set against, so much so that she will resort to any number of lies and deceits to maintain her new position.  That her ambition has succeeded in removing all sense of integrity and truth is tragic.


The TFP club (Two-faced politician) is a rather large organisation with a world wide membership. Its members live in a perpetual state of duplicity and denial. Duplicity in their actions and denial that they are being duplicitous. They are completely without shame.


2016 seems to be a year in which so many politicians made various statements in support of certain principles, only to do a complete volt face a year later.  In the case of Cruz and Graham (and many others) their vilification of Donald Trump in the run up to the 2016 election was simple and straightforward. Trump was viewed as a bully and a liar, and unfit for public office. Their statements are on record. After 2017 Mr Trump, in their book, could do no wrong and they have gone overboard to support him in his lies and deceit. Mr Graham has been demonstrably shown up as a hypocrite of the first order, in particular over the nominations of Supreme Court Justice Barrett and President Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland for a spot on the supreme court in 2016. His comments over the Garland nomination were repeatedly shown on Newscasts, and he acted as if it never happened.  He has shown no shame whatsoever, and it would seem the American Public is quite prepared to accept it. He still carries on with his inanities.


As to Ms Truss, during the 2016 European Referendum, she is quoted as saying:


"I don't want my daughters to grow up in a world where they need a visa or permit to work in Europe, or where they are hampered from growing a business because of extortionate call costs and barriers to trade. Every parent wants their children to grow up in a healthy environment with clean water, fresh air and thriving natural wonders. Being part of the EU helps protect these precious resources and spaces."


In 2017 she stated in a reversal of her position:


 "I believed there would be massive economic problems but those haven't come to pass and I've also seen the opportunities."


A shorter comment, but in the light of the current economic and administrative problems, (particularly in Northern Ireland) which she has now seen come to pass, she digs in to the extent of being prepared to overturn the rule of law, all the while claiming that what she is prepared to do is perfectly legal. On what basis the legality we have yet to hear, but she needs to pass legislation in parliament to support her excess of zeal for power. Will an act of Parliament make it legal? The only opportunity she sees is her opportunity to keep misleading and lying to the British Public and supporting a miscreant and her own aggrandisement in office.  She clearly seems to care less about the environment or her daughters’ futures.


It is a symptom of the current conservative government to deceive and dissemble, and blame anyone who comes into focus, for their failures, for the sole purpose of maintaining power. They have no shame over their leader’s outrageous mendacity, and are more than willing participants in mimicking his behaviour.


The levels of incompetence that have been exposed over the last six years increase with each passing day -  from Christopher Grayling’s absurd ministries (Including shipping contracts to companies with no ships), Rishi Sunak’s ministry paying out of over £5 billion in fraudulent claims over covid assistance, which monies have yet to be recovered or prosecutions initiated, to Boris Johnson’s breach of covid regulations and obvious duplicity over the Northern Ireland Protocol – have reached mega proportions.  


When will it end? Oppositions seem to have given up a continuous call for Boris’ resignation. Why? He should be asked every single day, “When are you going to resign?” The entire house should be repeatedly asked “When are we going to act and get rid of this charlatan?” and “When are we going to bring decency, dignity and integrity back to this House, to this Country?”

When will they make an end?


On top of this governmental miasma we have a sociological theory now making the rounds across various newspapers as a result of the shooting in Buffalo New York. Known as replacement theory, based on the “Great Replacement” by Jean Renaud Camus, some 12 years ago. It is a white supremacist contention that ‘a global elite’ is colluding against the white population in western democracies to replace them with non-European peoples. Hence immigration of all sorts is being allowed into western countries, where, rather like the cuckoo shoving eggs out of the nest, immigrants and refugees will replace the white population.


The idea is, pure fantasy and paranoia, but, in my view, not without a possible positive. Would that members of the TFP Club were replaced by any number of migrants and refugees? Hence, wouldn’t it be nice if the following people were replaced as soon as possible: Putin, Trump, Cruz, Graham, Johnson, Truss, Rees-Mogg the entire junta in Myanmar, various Imams and Ayatollahs, McConnel, McCarthy, Taylor Greene, Boebert, Truss, Patel etc.. Just the crew of one rubber dingy landed on Dover beach could, as replacements, change the entire body politic of the world. Wouldn’t it be nice?



You may as well have an album and dance about a bit: 

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