Saturday 21 September 2024


The democratic process in nation states seems to have become increasingly difficult due to the sheer numbers of citizens professing allegiance to their governments and the increasing itinerant movement of vast numbers of citizens no longer able to find security and safety in allegiances to their own governments, and so are seeking asylum elsewhere. Whether it be from wars, famines, dictatorships, persecution or natural disasters,  a vast number of refugees are on the move; however, room at the inn has become very problematic all over the western world.


It has become a serious matter of economics and the perceived threat to, and by, local citizens who believe the increasing influx of migrants will damage their way of life and ruin their prospects in the pursuit of happiness. Having, for years, pumped up and advertised how successful and wonderful they are, rich western democracies, who initially welcomed migrants are now seeking to close the doors. It has become a political question that seems to have moved to the top of the agenda all over Europe, Australia and the North American continent.


I put up here the last speech of President Ronal Reagan about the benefits of coming to America. This is only part of the propaganda long touted by many American political leaders and the more surprising that it comes from a conservative Republican President who signed new legislation controlling immigration into the United States.

President Reagan was a great conservative Republican hero and great friend of Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. It is important to watch the above video. It is a speech made 35 years ago and quite a contrast to the poisonous rhetoric we are now getting from former President Donald Trump and his view of immigrants as thieves, rapists and lunatics now eating cats and dogs and other family pets. How far we seem to have come from 1989 on the vexed question of immigration.


Mr Trumps view is extreme but not far off from Enoch Powell’s River of Blood anti-immigration speech delivered on the 20th April 1968. The British have clearly had a problem with immigration for some considerable time now, and it has scarcely improved in the last 56 years. Herewith a short video about the speech and some its consequences:

So we have immigration full on once again as a controversial matter of policy. It is a matter which, apparently, the voters in the United States seem to lean towards the crass stupidity of Mr Trump, thereby presenting a difficulty for Ms Harris. The pundits have stated that Mr Trump should stick to issues such as immigration where Ms Harris is ‘weak’. I do not understand that reasoning in the face of the inanity of Mr Trumps dishonest rhetoric about the eating of cats and dogs.


What we do have however is a conundrum as to how Ms Harris should deal with Mr Trump. The rhetoric used by her to promote her candidacy as President of the United States is difficult. She must on the one hand, be allowed to comment on the character of Mr Trump and the outright lies that he spews out ad nauseum, as well as his lack of policies and his obvious ignorance of the real needs of the American public, and on the other hand promote her own views and plans she will seek to implement during her term as President on behalf of, and for the benefit of, the American public. She must also have an eye on the rest of the world and how she will position the United States towards other nations. The United States is still seen as a country with substantial influence. Just how effective it is, is always open to question.


The intensity and effect of her language must be such as to not be seen as encouraging violence towards her opponent. This is extremely difficult given the outrageous, insulting and inciteful language used by Mr Trump. His tendency to exaggerate every aspect of his pet hates ‘by a lot’ makes any rebuttal problematic. He effectively claims to be the ‘greatest’ without the charm, intelligence and talent of a Muhammad Ali. Ms Harris must, somehow, get through to those people who, for some obscure reason, cannot fully see or comprehend the disaster of another 4 years of Mr Trump. Despite what the pundits say he is not good on the economy, he is far from good on immigration, and he is a complete charlatan and buffoon on foreign policy.  


I get the impression that the movement towards supporting Ms Harris’ bid to become President is slowly growing and that a number of high profile individuals have come out openly to champion her cause. Whether this is just wishful thinking on my part, I cannot say, but I am hopeful. There appears to be a strong surge by democratic party activists to get people out to vote. Long may that continue and be successful.


In the meantime the newly elected Labour Party in the United Kingdom is going through a kaleidoscope of problems including gifts to ministers, economic management, civil servants and advisors’ salaries, rescuing the NHS and numerous other problems seemingly all coming together at once. What else did they expect? They wanted to hit the ground running. Well, where to and how fast is still to be decided.


Hovering over all of this is the terror from the minds of Mr Putin and Mr Netanyahu. Making them stop and preventing their adversaries from drawing them back in, has got to be a world priority. They have long ago passed from defence of the realm into outright appalling and criminal aggression. My levels of anxiety are yet to be abated. There is too much going on.

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