Thursday 12 September 2024


I am drawn in again. What is wrong with the American people? We have just witnessed a debate (although it hardly deserves the term) between two prospective candidates for the office of President of the United States. On one side of the screen one saw a man who was clearly mentally disturbed, ranting on about millions of insane individuals, terrorists and criminals from every country in the world, who have invaded the United States, salivating to eat peoples’ pets and overrunning various towns and cities. The only push back was that there was no recorded incident of the kind he was referring to.  No recorded incidents? What is that supposed to mean?


Why did no one say “Mr Trump is there something wrong with you? Really millions of criminals and asylum patients from all over the world, specifically descending on the southern border? Are you not even a little bit delusional? What is your evidence of that?”


His rantings were so far-fetched and no one questions his sanity? Why is this election such a ‘close run thing’? Any rational person cannot possibly be in two minds as to whether this person is sane and fit to be elected to any political office.  He is a convicted felon, known for dishonesty, as well as being an adjudicated sexual predator. Why are we even thinking about him having an economic policy, and his views on immigration are on some imaginary stratosphere? What is there to discuss? Why is it even a question?


I can understand his following cult of ignorant acolytes gleefully swallowing his nonsense, but surely there must be a limit. His rant reminded me of the final speech form the Cane Mutiny and Captain Queeg’s breakdown:

You will recall the reactions of the judges panel at the end of the scene. Embarrassed silence. Yet what do we have for Mr Trump? Praise and claims of unfair treatment, three against one, and any number of other excuses and how he clearly won the day.


This sorry show of a debate was seen all over the world. Can the United States not feel the embarrassed silence from across the globe? What is wrong with you people? Wake up, come out of the fantasy into the light of reason before it is too late. WAKE UP!!

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