Monday 22 July 2024


Well, what can one say?  All change and mind the gap.  My intention to stand down from commenting on the current political mess has been thwarted by another octogenarian standing down, although not completely, from the turmoil that is currently sweeping across the United States. He has seen the light of common sense and perhaps might even go all the way and step aside for his vice president to take over the reins now. A young, vibrant and in charge sitting president would be far more challenging for any opposition. Getting to grips with the presidency and diplomatic relations with the rest of the world’s leaders at an early stage would not be at all a bad idea. She could make her own phone calls and be a lot better at it than the felon.


In the meantime, the convicted charlatan and bad actor, addressing his Maga troops (he has clearly misquoted Shakespeare, “I give you my ear!” he cries) has not changed his rhetoric one bit and believes the Vice President will be easier to beat than Mr Biden. His braggadocio has exceeded any previous limits he might have imposed on himself. Since his brush with death he has backed into the arms of Jesus and made himself a martyr, and the Maga folk are enraptured.


He would seem to be in the ascendent, and even more so with Mr Biden’s withdrawal from the fray, but do not discount the rise of Ms Harris. There could be time to splash out and metaphorically knock on every door in America, to make her case and show him up for what he is and what he isn’t.


Just for starters, I would also be asking Mr Trump, if he is so sure of his power, why doesn’t he pick up the phone now to stop the killings. Why wait? If he can do what he claims, surely it would demonstrate beyond doubt that he is a man of his word? He could get the Nobel Peace prize just by picking up the phone. What is he waiting for?


I would also put out videos showing all the previous comments made by JD Vance, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Niki Halley, Ron DeSantis, Kayleigh McEnany and more, about what they first thought of Mr Trump, as well as the comments he has made about them. There is plenty of stuff on YouTube demonstrating the hypocrisy, and it would not take much for a skilled editor to put it all together.


There may well be some room for manoeuvre, but the DNC has to start now and in earnest. Please my American friends get it together and knock on every door. Get the vote out. Do not hesitate. Do not start questioning her abilities now. She is a tough cookie and smart with it. If you back her she may surprise us all. She has a good track record of dealing with criminals. Mr Trump and Mr Putin are really no different. Give her the job.


  1. Remember Nikki Haley? She said first party to dump its alte kakke candidate will win in November. But that requires Dems to be forgiven for conniving to hide Biden's state for months. This should have happened at Easter. Not so sure now - helas.
