Sunday 14 July 2024


The lunatic fringe of the American public continues to thrive. We now have an event that has effectively catapulted Donald Trump into the Presidency of the United States. The idea that a convicted felon should even be in the running for the office was lunacy in itself. There is now confirmation that insanity upon insanity will propel a psychotic gangster back into the Oval Office.


The country’s acceptance of violence as a way of life and thuggery as a lifestyle has been reaffirmed with a classic ‘Dirty Harry’ scenario played out in Butler, Pennsylvania rather than Hollywood, California. In Butler he did it. It is a bad joke that will plague us all over the next four years.


I have been living in a state of dread for the last week because of the sink hole the Democratic Party of America now finds itself. I am but two months older than Mr Biden and I can understand his failure to recognise that his ability to perform as President of the United States for another term has been impaired. Having reached an age where one still feels and thinks one is as sharp as ever, one is reluctant to believe that that is no longer the case. He really does need his closest family and friends, who care most for him, to make him understand the present necessities. Perhaps this shot in Butler, will clarify the situation for him.


He must see the political implications of yesterday’s events as a massive boost to Mr Trump’s already adulatory popularity among his Maga supporters and those low information voters, so crucial in elections. If he and his advisors do not realise that, then the situation is completely lost. “Is there time for someone else to take up the challenge, and able to expose Mr Trump for what he truly is, despite his acolytes?”, is the burning question. I don’t know if anyone knows the answer.


If there is the slightest hope, then action will have to be taken. Whether Mr Biden will see sense or be made to see sense is the next question.


In the absence of an answer, I feel sorry for Mr Lammy, Britain’s new Foreign Secretary, who will have to interact with Mr Trump and somehow come to an understanding. He could do worse that Mr Putin’s method of overblown flattery, and that might resolve matters. In any event, the situation in the Ukraine and in Gaza will see catastrophic results. I may be wrong, but given Mr Trump’s stated admiration for Mr Putin and his ilk, I do not believe I am too far from the mark. Then again as an about to be 82 year old, I am no longer the sharpest pin in the sewing box.


One can only wait and see how it will all play out. I cannot comment further.

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