Thursday 6 June 2024


I heard Mr Stan Mincher being interviewed on the Today program this morning on Radio 4. He was born in 1926 and was 18 years old on the 6th June 1944 when as a young Midshipman in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve (RNVR) he piloted a landing craft on to “Nan” beach which was a section of Juno Beach sector at Berniere-sur-Mer in Normandy France. It is well worth listening to. Go to BBC Sounds, Radio 4, Today Programme 6th June 2024 and scroll in 2hr 14 min for the start of the interview. The time of the interview is 8:14 AM. Among other comments he said "What a waste of time war is....there aren't many right conditions for war"


  1. Heard it. They all say the same. As did the WW1 veterans when they were still with us. No coincidence that all our past leaders who served in the war would do almost anything to avoid conflict (in Europe anyway) Now we have the treachery of Brexit and the proposed re-introduction of National Service from Sunak. Anyone alive who did it is now well over 80. Yet the supposed support for this desperate policy comes from those with no experience of it. While on the subject who is responsible for allowing the unelected Sunak to speak the words of Montgomery yesterday? During a General Election! I say bring back National Service for Public Schoolboys and Hedge Fund managers who made millions shorting our currency and foreign Owners of our National Press who constantly claim to speak on behalf of the British people whilst supporting the destructive no-deal Brexit for their own profit.

    1. Very well said - thank you for comment
