Friday 28 June 2024


If you are reading this, you see before you a cascade of words tumbling out of a brain that is scrambling for some light through the gloom that has beset the world. The United States of America - whose image round the globe since its foundation has had its ups and downs, from adulation to revilement, but, in general, thought of as a positive voice for democratic freedoms and an influence in promoting civil liberties and human rights - is on the point of destroying itself by bowing to a pathological psychotic narcissist.


This man who has catered to the lowest common denominator has attracted the support not only of the ignorant mob of oath keepers, proud boys and other miscreants and bigots, but of a corrupt, rigid and nationalistic class of people whose vision of America is totally akin to the National Socialism that emerged during the 1930’s in Europe. They have no regard whatsoever for the principles of the Constitution of the United States, save in so far as they can distort and pervert its meaning, to promote their own irrational thought.


Speech is only free if it is approved of by them, so they resort to burning and banning certain books from libraries.  Anyone who disagrees with their point of view is insulted and bullied with threats and violent remarks. A reporter asking a question they do not like, is insulted and treated with disdain. Anyone not of their level or in complete agreement is a loser and ought to be shot. Anyone who is not a member of the tribe is thought of as deviant and criminal and is loudly proclaimed as such, as well as being something else to be shot or imprisoned. It has nothing to do with America first, but with “my kind of American first”. They have recreated the United States in the image of a brazen and convicted felon and will not stop until they have destroyed what is left of democracy. They are without shame or decency.


They will bend to a man who claims total immunity from responsibility for any of his actions. He has openly stated as much and professes that the office of President of the United States can only to be occupied by a Dictator. It would appear the populace have accepted that premise.


I hear and see pundits proclaiming that Putin would not have acted as he has if Donald Trump had still been president. On the contrary, he has acted as he has because Trump was President and if President again Putin will flatter and praise him and become even more emboldened knowing full well that Trump will work to allow him to maintain his foothold and take-over of Ukraine as well as weakening the NATO alliance allowing Putin’s influence to overshadow any attempt at promoting democracy, human rights and freedoms. Putin’s not so secret weapon is Donald Trump, the man who will “do a deal” that will let him have anything he claims without resistance. It will be a terrifying enactment of the fable of the crow and the fox. 

If America is to save itself and the rest of western democracy than it has to get out the vote in as large a number as it possibly can.


I confess that I deliberately avoided watching any of the latest staged debate between Mr Biden and Mr Trump. The reports have been disappointing so far as I am concerned; however, so far as character is concerned, there is a grand canyon between the two men. Trump has none and Mr Biden, so far as one can tell, has a proven record of integrity. Whether that is sufficient in the circumstances to carry on with Mr Biden as the Democratic nominee is for the American Democratic Party to decide. It will have to decide reasonably quickly, but whatever it decides it must pull out all the stops to promote its candidate and get out the vote. An expectant world depends on it.


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