Monday 3 June 2024


Where does one begin? The last couple of weeks have been as deplorable as ever.  The most appalling event being the continuing support for Donald Trump for a return of his presidency of the United States. What can the American citizens be thinking? His story at his trial was a non-denial denial, not even given under oath and mouthed to the press by his mindless supporters of republican party representatives. How these people ever got elected to the Senate or House of representatives is unbelievable.


Twelve ordinary citizens of New York City, chosen and approved by his lawyers and consequently by himself, chose not to believe his babbling denials and instead concentrated on the only evidence they had before them. That he was lying without giving evidence was glaringly obvious. To claim afterwards that he wanted to give evidence is so clearly a lie, that it beggars belief his supporters accept his nonsense. If he had really wanted to give evidence, he would have done so. Since when has he ever followed anyone’s ‘advice’? Is it any wonder he was found guilty?


Yet two days after his conviction he manages to fund raise over $35 million. Why does this avowed rich man need funding? He claims he is so rich he does not have to answer to anyone. So why are his simple down to earth MAGA base sending him their hard earned cash? What is so wrong with the citizenry of the United States of America? Have they all become stupid and unable to think?


I recently read an opinion piece in the Los Angeles Times wherein the writer comments on people with low level knowledge of politics, who tend to shy away from political debate and rely on their general feelings about the state of the nation, or rather are more concerned with their own individual lives, trials and tribulations and feel a sense of neglect by the State. These are the disaffected who make up his Maga base and apparently they are legion in the US.


From what I can make out, they rally to what can only be decribed as a demagogue who prefaces his remarks to the nation by claiming foreign states are sending their convicted criminals and mental defectives to the United States. They are pouring in and taking over the country, he claims, from South America and Africa no less. The atrocity of these remarks is unquestionable and yet he is believed by sufficient numbers to place him in poll position to be elected President. Not one of the so called educated elected representative of the Republican Party in Congress has disputed this outrageous nonsense, or even attempted to downgrade its terrifying implications. What is wrong with these people?


As to the article in the Los Angeles Times (which unfortunately I have not been able to find again) I find, on reflection, that the author was attempting to excuse the stupidity of a large uneducated and ignorant section of American society without causing offence. He was also of the view that most people had already formed very firm views about how they will vote or who thy might support. There was however a sufficient number of undecided voters who would probably only make their decision on the day or not vote at all. Hence the serious problem facing us all.


What is even more extraordinary is the number of politicians who railed with real feeling and vehemence against the lies and distortions of a Donald Trump presidency before the 2016 election and who now give him unconditional support. One can find them easily on YouTube expressing their before and after views, which are cringemaking. How is it possible that Niki Haley, a one-time candidate vilified by Trump, can possibly claim she will vote for him in November? Have they not heard themselves speak before? Do they suffer from trans global amnesia?


In the meantime, the United Kingdom has chosen the American Independence Day celebrations of July the 4th to elect its next Parliament. 650 individuals will put themselves forward for election on that day. The leader of the party with the most elected representatives will be appointed Prime Minister. He will choose a cabinet whose responsibility will be to manage how the state will provide for the security, physical, mental and economic health and education of 67 million odd citizens.   That means that each representative will be responsible for some 103,000 citizens in their constituency, with approximately 73,000 who are registered to vote in each constituency. It is an enormous duty and obligation to have the interests of so many in their hands. Likewise it is an equally serious responsibility on behalf of the citizen to vote for the person most likely to fulfil that obligation. It is therefore imperative that there should be no voter in the low level knowledge category as in the United States.


I cannot be certain that that is the case; however, so far as one can tell, there is a plurality of electors leaning towards the Labour Party in the United Kingdom. Whether that will remain the case over the next 5 weeks is the question. Do not forget that there are some candidates in this general election who would actually welcome Donald Trump as President of the United States. How insane is that? As I stated at the outset, where does one begin?

1 comment:

  1. Is it possible that Nigel Farage’s U-Turn on standing for Claction in the UK general election is a rare attack of moral outrage because his preferred political attraction is convicted felon. Just asking for all morally outraged people. 🤪
